358 – Serenity

Action, Adventure, SciFi, Thriller (USA — 2005)

Captain Malcolm Mal Reynolds and his ragtag crew trade their way around the edges of civilized society. Of particular interest are two passengers they take on, Simon and River Tam, a brother and his telepathic sister on the run from the corrupt governing Alliance. As notorious former members of the anti-Alliance opposition, Mal and his crew make it difficult for Simon and River to stay hidden. Everything goes completely awry when a government assassin is sent to retrieve River. As Mal is forced to choose between his close-knit crew and the brother and sister newcomers, it becomes apparent that River harbors both a dangerous secret and astounding fighting powers, and Mal decides that discovering the truth about what she knows might just be worth his time.

Regie: Joss Whedon
Drehbuch: Joss Whedon
Produzent(en): Barry Mendel
Darsteller: Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres, Alan Tudyk, Adam Baldwin, Summer Glau, Chiwetel Ejiofor

Länge: 119 Min.
Altersangabe: 15 (nach BBFC)

Audio-Sprachen: en, fr, de, es, it, jp
Untertitel: en, de, fr, it, es, jp, ko, sv, da, fi, nl, no, pt, el, ch
DVD/BD-Region: 2
Gekauft am: 15. März 2019
