425 – The Interpreter [Die Dolmetscherin] |
Politics, Thriller (UK, USA, F — 2005)Silvia Broome is an interpreter who works at the UN in New York City. One night, while collecting a bag she has left behind in the building, Silvia overhears a whispered conversation in which an assassination attempt on a redoubtable African leader, named Zuwanie (Earl Cameron), is planned during his future visit to the UN. Secret service agent Tobin Keller (Penn) is assigned to provide security for Zuwanie on the forthcoming trip, and conducts an investigation when Silvia explains what she has heard. He quickly discovers that Silvia has a lengthy, troubled past as a citizen from the same country as Zuwanie, and immediately doubts her story.
Regie: Sydney Pollack
Länge: 124 Min.
Audio-Sprachen: en de |